About Jason Thibeault
Jason grew up in a log cabin in the woods. A fireplace for heat, no cable TV, the roads weren’t even paved. He may have been found hunched over a Commodore VIC-20, reading everything, drawing, or building things.
Having given up on his plan to become an astronaut (too tall and nearsighted) by college, Jason went into Physics with the end goal of working in a space-related field. After they kicked him out of the Physics department, he landed in Philosophy due to a natural aptitude for logic. It’s also when he first started teaching logic.
After college, Jason became an officer in what used to be Air Force Space Command. (Space-related!) After many adventures, he left and returned to civilian life to work in the glamorous world of manufacturing, accepting a job as a night supervisor in a Rubbermaid factory. A job change and a few promotions later, three years had passed, and Jason was running all plant operations for a factory in the Chicago suburbs. That’s where he was when he met Tricia.
He left manufacturing for recruiting, added training, speaking, and coaching. Sure, there have been tragedies along the way, bankruptcy, a messy divorce, decade long custody battle, a child with an extended medical crisis…. Yet with it has come constant growth and learning.
Thanks for being curious about Jason. Never outgrowing child-like curiosity is one of his secrets to success. Life is easier when you know more.
You are here. What are you going to get accomplished in the next year?
We start Group Coaching and 25Easy. Disney Starcruiser Maiden Voyage!
Billionaires launch into space. We launch AI4Recruiters.
Midlife Crisis Sports Car: I made it look like a starfighter!
First short fiction published