There are moments in this profession when you feel like you’re working in isolation – desperately trying to match the right candidate with the perfect opportunity, managing difficult clients, and navigating an endless stream of unfinished tasks. But let’s get real for a moment: the idea you’re doing this alone? That’s just an illusion.
It’s lonely at the top. They mean it’s lonesome to have no peers… That it can feel like a one-person show. Recruiting can certainly feel like that.
In reality, recruiting is anything but a solo act. The entire process is intertwined with people. From candidates to clients to colleagues to us, every move you make affects others. Just like a fish is inseparable from the water it swims in, you can’t be separate from the industry you work in. The connections you forge are everywhere, influencing how you operate, whether you realize it or not.
Let’s take a closer look. Think about how you engage with the people you meet daily. Your words, actions, and decisions ripple out, influencing everyone involved. If a candidate senses your enthusiasm, it boosts their confidence. If a client feels your determination, they become more open to your recommendations. This exchange of energy happens constantly, without boundaries, even in casual conversations or emails.
You’re not just impacting people, you’re tuned into them as well. How often have you started a discovery call, felt the tension, and adjusted your approach without thinking? Or noticed a candidate’s unease on a call and instinctively shifted the conversation to put them at ease? This is what we mean when we say that energy is contagious. You’re reading the room, picking up on cues, and responding, because recruiting is an energetic exchange.
So, if you ever catch yourself feeling isolated in this business, remember it’s a temporary illusion. The boundaries that seem to divide us are quite fluid. The reality is, every time you connect with someone, you’re part of something much bigger. The influence you have, and the influence you’re open to, extends beyond just finding the right hire or closing a deal. It’s about understanding in this profession, you’re never really working alone. You’re part of a larger, dynamic network of human connections who are constantly shaping and reshaping the way you run your business.
Stop working in a silo! Get the support you need from expert coaches and a group of high performing peers. Learn more below.
Tricia Tamkin, headhunter, advisor, coach, and gladiator. Tricia has spoken at over 50 recruiting events, been quoted in multiple national publications, and her name is often dropped in groups as the solution to any recruiters’ challenges. She brings over 30 years of deep recruiting experience and offers counsel in a way which is perspective changing and entertaining.